
For the organization of the above mentioned project, a working group on emotions has been created under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Santangelo in "Sapienza" University of Rome and previously in "L'Orientale" University of Naples, with the cooperation with young scholars. Prof. Santangelo is responsible for supervising the process of the research program of the Project (selection of terms, translation, comments, editing etc.), and coordinates the work of the various research groups. Dr. Donatella Guida at the beginning assisted in the analysis and editing work, especially in the study of the Jinghuayuan 鏡花緣 and the Rulinwaishi 儒林外史. Other scholars have cooperated in various stages of the project, for the database and the lexical elaboration (Dr. Valeria Varriano), the analysis of Ming literary sources (Dr. Paolo de Troia and Dr. Luca Stirpe), morphological suggestions on the semantic evolution (Prof. Federico Masini of “Sapienza” and Prof. Giorgio Casacchia of “L’Orientale”), psychological subjects (Prof. Ricci-Bitti and Prof. Roberto Caterina, University of Bologna, Institute of Psychology) and sociological matters (Prof. Orlando Lentini of Department of Sociology of Naples University Federico II).

Corresponding working groups have been established in China and abroad: in 1998 a cooperation for Chinese medicine texts has started with Dr. Angelika C. Messner, Institute for Chinese Studies - University of Kiel; in 1997 we started to collaborate with the Department of Chinese of People's University 人民大學, supervised by Prof. Zhang Anqi 章安祺, and then by Prof. Yang Huilin 楊慧林; in 1999 Prof. Zhang Xiping 張西平 of Beijing Foreign Studies University, The Research Center of Overseas Sinology 北京外國 語大學, 海外漢學研究中心, has established his research group (Dr. Luo Xiaodong 羅小東 , Dr. Ma Xiaodong 馬曉東, and Dr. Li Ran 李然); in 1997-1978 Prof. Zhuang Guotu 庄國土, in the ambit of the South East Asia Research Institute (Nanyang yanjiu yuan) of Xiamen Daxue 廈門大學, supervised the translations from English into Chinese of the volume 明清文学作品中的情感心境词语研究 (Textual analysis of expressions and terms concerning emotions and states of mind in Ming and Qing literature), published by The Chinese Enciclopaedia Publishing House 中国大百科全书出版社, 2000, with the financial support of IUO and ISIAO; from 1999 the group directed by Prof. Guo Yingde 郭英德, Prof. of Chinese Literature in Beijing Normal University 北京师范大學, cooperates for the textual analysis of the Hongloumeng 红楼梦》and of Sheng Fu’s 沈復 Fusheng liuji 《浮生六記》; in 1999 Prof. Wan Ming 萬明, vice-director of Ming-Qing section of the Academy of Social Sciences 明清研究室副主任, has established a research group with the support of Prof. Chen Zuwu 陳祖武, director of the Institute of History of the Academy 歷史研究所所長, concerning the analysis of some chapters of the Da Ming shilu 大明實錄 and other Ming historical sources; in 1999 Prof. Meng Zhaolian 孟昭连, of the Department of Classical Literature, Nankai University 中国天津南开大学中文系, Tianjin, has done some contributions for the Jin Ping Mei 《金瓶梅 ; in 2000 the group directed by Prof. Zhou Faxiang 周发祥, expert in comparative literatures in the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院研究生院, (in cooperation with 王彪文学硕士中国社会科学院文学所研究员,国近代文学学会副会长中国南社与柳亚子研究会理事 and 郑永晓复旦大学学士, 文学所副研究员), has given some contributions for the analysis of the Shierlou《十二楼 and Xianqing ouqi 《闲情偶奇》by Li Yu; Prof. Kin Bunkyo (Kim MoonKyong) 金文京 of Kyoto University, Jinbun 京都 大学 人文科学研究所東方部 in 1999 has started a cooperation on the analysis of the Xixiangji 西廂記; from 2005 a cooperation with Prof. Oki Yasushi of Tokyo University 東大 has started, for the textual analysis of Feng Menglong’s Shan’ge 山歌; from 2005 a cooperation has started with Dr. Yan Beiwen 严蓓雯 of the "Foreign Literature Review", Institute of Foreign Literature, and other members of the CASS for the analysis of the Sanyan 三言 and the final revision of Liaozhaizhiyi 聊齋志異. A cooperation has been discussed also with Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, and with National University, Hanoi.